12 | 03 | 2025

The main assignments of the system are: control of fuel consumed by the main engine and the auxiliary machinery, calculation of the main engine output, precise measurement of the main engine speed, display of the readings obtained on board for the ship’s engineering department, transmittance  of the readings obtained to the ashore departments of the Company for analysis and storage.

The main engine output is evaluated through measurement of the quantity of the fuel consumed by the engine for it to be recalculated into the engine output afterwards, using the unique characteristics of the engine. The measurements are performed with the help of the flow meters fitted with magnetically operated sealed switches made by AquaMetro (Sweden). The main engine speed is also measured by means of magnetically operated sealed switches. The signals from the switches go to the communication port of the personal computer where the data are processed, stored, displayed in the convenient format and prepared for transmittance ashore. The data are transmitted via the shipboard Inmarsat-C terminal and GPRS data transmission facilities owned by the GSM operators.

The on-line information received from the vessel makes it possible for the Company’s ashore technical department to watch the main engines work. As a result of the analysis, the technicians can draw conclusions about the engine, the propulsion plant, the condition of the hull and the necessity of maintenance or repair works.

The engineering decisions on installing sensors, laying cableways and providing software are unique, having been specially designed to meet the Company’s needs.

The system is based on the principle of open architecture, which makes it fit for finding solutions to multi-purpose assignments, development and innovation.

At present, on the basis of successful tests, the Company is introducing the fuel consumption and propulsion plant control system on board all the vessels flying under its management.


Fuel oil flowmeter "AquaMetro" Fuel oil meter box is installed on main engine
onboard part interface
Onboard part user interface
Ashore part interface
Ashore part user interface